Wednesday, July 31, 2019

10 ways to honor your personal power

Personal empowerment is a conscious and deliberate process. Most people function day-to-day on default mode beliefs, thoughts, and reactions. Claiming your power and commanding your worth requires mindful, purposeful decisions.

Although thinking and acting from the routines or systems of the past is often easy and effortless, it may not be in your highest and best interest. Are your auto-pilot responses aligned with self-love, confidence, healthy boundaries, and owning your personal sense of power?

If not, you may want to consider the following ways to honor yourself as an unlimited, individuated source of creativity, strength, and influence.

        I.            Understand that your subconscious and conscious beliefs, thoughts, and emotions create your reality. If you are functioning from the perspective that the world is not fun and is causing you to feel stress or negativity, then you become dis-empowered.

      II.            The present moment, not the past or future, holds the key to powerful manifestation. You cannot solve problems from the same level of awareness or consciousness that generated them. The option is yours to bring about a new solution based on an expanded point of view.

    III.            In any relationship, your first job is to love yourself so immensely and deeply that you will accept nothing less than what you truly desire and deserve. Stand up for your beautiful self, release anybody or any circumstances that aren't supportive, and move gracefully into the energy of authenticity.

   IV.            Complicated scenarios and drama are of low vibrations and can deplete your life force. Avoid being a savior at the expense of your own serenity. Sometimes it's best to walk away or detach from someone who isn't making any effort to help himself. Each person has a path to travel and your job is to live yours with fulfillment.

     V.            Be responsible for every aspect of you - your health, career, finances, self-growth, relationships, and happiness. Examine your immediate reality. If you don't like what you see, then change it. Excuses or stories you've told yourself about why things aren't the way you want them are simply not personally empowering.

   VI.            Fears and worries tell the universe that you don't trust in yourself to succeed or see the opportunities in any challenging situation. Address these concerns from a place of empowerment and faith. When you choose wise and healthy options, consequences are more likely to be joyful and satisfying as opposed to choices that cause prolonged anxiety.

 VII.            Visualize yourself as an incredible super-sized light-being with arms reaching to the stars and feet planted with roots to the center of the Earth. Imagine a field of energy spreading outward from your center and encompassing the whole world. Stand tall and walk as if your power comes from infinite capabilities, skills, and resources.

VIII.            Gather a support system of others who are positive and like-minded. Join a sports league or social media group who has similar interests. Make the connection and engage in conversations or activities where you can be of service and benefit. Call upon legions of spiritual guides and angels to be your cheerleaders, your fans, and your tribe.

    IX.            Take action on your words and thoughts. Thinking about changing jobs or feeling like you should register for a webinar is not the same as actually following through with forward motion. If you haven't completed any steps to actualize your goal, and at the same time you are blaming society, your parents, or spouse for any misery, then you've just freely given away your power.

      X.            Engage in holistic self-care. Holistic translates to mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects. If you're saying you don't care about how you look or what you wear, then by the law of attraction you're going to get people who mirror that sentiment. Do the basics and show respect for your body, mind, heart, soul, home, vehicle, and office space. When you start caring for yourself and your personal environment, the energy shifts and self-esteem improves.

Monday, July 29, 2019

CDC provides path to a longer life by improving heart age

According to a bulletin released by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Sept. 2, 2015, most of our hearts are older than we are. Given the importance of the heart in maintaining life, this conclusion is not good news. The key factors listed by the CDC in determining heart age are our biological age, systolic blood pressure, blood pressure treatment status, smoking status, diabetes, and body mass index. Key factors in the heart age calculation did not include diet and exercise.

The title of the bulletin is Most Americans’ hearts are older than their age, with a byline Higher heart age means higher risk of heart attacks and stroke. The difference between biological age and heart age depends upon several factors. The discrepancies vary by gender, race, economic status, and education.

The details of these differences are discussed in a CDC publication Vital Signs. Men have higher heart ages differences versus women, with 8 years for men versus 5 years for women. Hispanics and African-Americans have heart ages than whites. High blood pressure above 140 mm Hg increase the heart age by about 20 years in men and 18 years in women.

The CDC based their major conclusions on the Framingham Heart Age Calculator factors.
A summary of the key conclusions of the CDC study is published in Vital Signs.

1 in 2 men have a heart age 5 or more years older than their actual age.
2 in 5 women have a heart age 5 or more years older than their actual age.
About 3 in 4 heart attacks and strokes are due to risk factors that increase heart age.

The recommendations made from the study are simple to follow and hard to do.

The most common reasons for a higher heart age that can be changed or managed are: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, obesity, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and diabetes. At any age, you can make your heart younger by making changes that reduce your risk.

You can calculate your own heart age using the Framingham Heart Age Calculator. The body mass index (BMI) calculator is also included because the BMI is used in the heart age calculation. Although the CDC recommendations mention control of cholesterol, regular physical activity and a healthy diet, the Framingham calculator does not include these factors.

The key to improving your heart age is to maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise, avoid smoking, avoid or control diabetes, and keep your blood pressure down. The factors that improve your heart age also reduce your cancer risk. Those that have genetic issues with heart disease and cancer can still improve their ability to prevent heart attacks, strokes and cancers by following the recommendations to reduce heart age. While it is true that we all die of something, we can make these changes that will improve the qualities of our lives and extend the period that we are healthy. Do it.

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Saturday, July 27, 2019

Relieving Stress with Bingo

A lot of healthy individuals focus on getting the right diet and sleeping enough hours in the day. All of these things are important and maintaining such a strict regimen with fitness can help improve life tremendously. However, there are more and more studies that indicate relieving stress with games can be a major aspect of good health as well. For example, using something like Titan Bingo as a method of relaxing and unwinding can be a huge benefit for your overall health and change your life in many ways.

The vast majority of people do not know that bingo games are not all that high risk and the chances of losing money are not all that great. You will be able to enjoy yourself and the exhilarating feeling that you will have when you are trying to get rid of your stress and improve your overall life. If you are anything like most people, bingo is one of the best ways to go!

Consider how to best relieve stress and you will be able to avoid a lot of the chronic diseases and conditions that can cause problems in the future. There are great piece of information about stress, but take our word for it that bingo can make the difference!

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

What to do when a sexual fascination crosses the line into sexual fetishism

A client from Atlanta, GA, recently asked the following question: “What exactly is a fetish? I’m afraid I may have a fetish for women’s underwear.”

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For anyone who has the same question, simply put, a fetish is an object or a situation that creates an obsessive sexual desire or arousal in an individual. Now, to be clear, finding something such as women’s underwear erotic is does not necessarily mean that a person is suffering from sexual fetishism. An object of arousal or a fantasy can be a perfectly normal part of a healthy sex life.

Such a fascination can be defined as fetishism when it crosses the line into obsession or dependence, or when it creates dysfunction in other areas such as your social life or your work. Additionally, a fetish becomes troublesome when you can no longer become aroused in the absence of that object; so if you are unable to become aroused without using or thinking about, for instance, women’s underwear, you may have a problem.

Finally, if the fetish causes you distress, causes feelings of anxiety, guilt, shame, depression, if it infringes on other people’s rights, or it is associated with illegal activities -- such as stealing women’s underwear – you definitely need to seek treatment. A sex therapist can help you sort out your feelings and detach you from your dependence on that one sexual object, so that you can explore and experience a diverse sexual life.

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Learning to love your naked body: Overcoming body shame

“I’m embarrassed to get naked in front of my girl, I feel self-conscious about my body, and especially my package. I am afraid I won't live up to her expectations - what should I do?”

Body image issues are a pretty common thing among men and women alike, and they can actually derail a potential sexual experience. Everybody has little imperfections and insecurities about their body, but if you allow yourself to get hung up on them, you’re probably going to find that sex is not as enjoyable for you as it could be.

If there is a particular aspect of your body that you are unhappy about, take small steps to remedy it. Got love handles? Add a little bit of cardio to your daily routine, and by starting to work on yourself, you just might find that you have a little more love for yourself than you thought. But the best thing you can do is to work on self-acceptance; rather than being upset that you don’t have 6-pack abs, focus on how defined your arms are, or the fact that you have great hair. If you can come to love yourself, you’re gonna feel more confident in your body, and that’ll translate into more confidence between the sheets as well. And rest assured, Stan - if things are already getting hot and heavy, she’s probably decided to sleep with you anyhow, so taking off your clothes and revealing what you have under the hood probably isn’t going to change her mind - no doubt she likes you just the way you are, and she may be having the same image problem you are dealing with. So just try to relax and have fun. Good luck!

Good Clean Love, Inc features a unique sexual health solution

For many couples, sexual intercourse without additional lubricant can be a painful and frustrating experience. Whether the cause is a physical or emotional one, Good Clean Love, Inc has a line of products that feature natural and organic ingredients to make your intimate times more enjoyable.

Approximately 90% of personal lubricant products in the market today contain harsh petro-chemical products that are better suited for cleaning your car or oven than being applied to the tender genital region. Lubricants from Good Clean Love are formulated from natural, organic ingredients that will take the sting and burn out of your love making.

 Good Clean Love personal lubricants are also:

*     Paraben, glycerin and silicon free

*     safe for use with toys

*     safe for use during pregnancy

*     cruelty-free

*     edible

*     fertility friendly

Good Clean Love offers their personal lube in two formulations-Almost Naked and Cinnamon Vanilla. Both feature the same basic formula while only the scent and flavor differ. Almost Naked is a blend of lemon and vanilla while Cinnamon Vanilla is a blend of cinnamon and vanilla.

For more information about Good Clean Love and their products, please visit them online at their website, Facebook, and Twitter. The entire line of products can be purchased through their online store and at select retailers nationwide, including Whole Foods and Earth Fare. Additional online retailers also sell Good Clean Love products, including, Amazon, Vitacost and Walgreens.

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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Opiate death problem shifts to Worcester

A few months ago, Taunton seemed to be the center of the “bad heroin” epidemic with a huge increase in opiate related overdoses and deaths. Now Worcester, a larger city in the middle of the state reports a similar problem. Last Spring, Taunton reported a major increase in opiate related overdoses and deaths with 21 overdoses reported during the week of March 9 alone. The past few weeks have seen no reported overdoses or deaths in that city. The action appears to have shifted to Worcester, another city at the crossroads of a number of major highways.

Worcester Police Chief Gary Gemme reports that already this month there have been 33 overdose calls, with 9 deaths reported. Worcester has not been employing Narcan, the drug that is an antidote to an opiate overdose but reports that police officers are just completing training in using the drug and $13,000 worth of Narcan has been ordered. Plans call for the medication, in nasal spray form, to be available in all police cruisers in about two weeks.

Narcan is a prescription medication that is an antidote to an opiate overdose. NARCAN (naloxone) is indicated for the complete or partial reversal of opioid depression, including respiratory depression, induced by natural and synthetic opioids. Originally administered through injection, the drug is now available in a nasal spray form that may be administered by anyone.

The state department of public health reports that Statewide opioid-related deaths, which include overdoses of heroin and prescription drugs, nearly doubled between 2000 and 2011, rising from 363 to 642. A similar problem. located more in sections of the North Shore, was reported last year.

Officials in Taunton report that they are not certain why the overdose and death rate has dropped in their city as they note the same number of addicts on the streets as before. Possibilities include the elimination of a “bad” batch of heroin, change of location by major dealers and the increase in use and availability of Narcan. Let’s hope Worcester, and the rest of Massachusetts can follow suit.

Metformin: Medicine for diabetics benefit non-diabetics as well

Most diabetics are familiar with metformin because that is one of the first medicine a doctor prescribes when a person is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Diabetics are prescribed a low dosage at first to be taken once a day to see how their bodies adjust to the medicine. A higher dosage is prescribed later to keep the glucose numbers within the acceptable range.
Yahoo! News on Aug. 9, reports that a large-scale study conducted by researchers at Cardiff University says that type 2 diabetes patients live longer than people without the disease because of metformin.

The results of the recent study were announced on Friday. Over 180,000 people treated with the widely prescribed diabetic drug metformin can live longer than those who don't take metformin. So metformin can help non-diabetics.

The findings in the study show that metformin could offer prognostic and prophylactic benefits to people with and without diabetes.
Metformin has anti-cancer and anti-cardiovascular disease benefits and can offer surprising health benefits to non-diabetics also. So people who take metformin, whether they are diabetics or not, get a cushion against cancer and cardiovascular diseases even though they are taking metformin for diabetes.

While this is true with metformin, it wasn't found to be true with sulphonylurea, another common diabetes drug. Metformin was the drug that was found to have a statistically significant improvement in survival, according to Craig Currie, professor at Cardiff University's school of medicine.

This, however, does not mean that people with type 2 diabetes who take metformin should relax. When their disease progress, diabetes will be typically be taken off metformin and switched to more aggressive treatment. Therefore, a long life expectancy is not guaranteed.

While metformin is commonly taken by diabetes, the medicine is prescribed to patients for the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome, and has been investigated for other diseases where insulin resistance may be an important factor. Metformin works by suppressing glucose production by the liver.

The study was published in the journal Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism.

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Monday, July 22, 2019

How sugar intake can negatively affect the libido

If you or your partner are suffering from a sagging libido, sugar may be the reason behind your loss of interest in sex. It is a well known fact that increased sugar intake directly increases one's insulin levels. Numerous studies have shown that an increase in insulin has a direct impact on a person's libido by decreasing it in a number of ways

When a person ingests too much sugar, the body responds by building up what is known as insulin resistance. This resistance lowers testosterone levels as the body stores excess body fat and develops higher levels of estrogen, both of which can create an imbalance. This imbalance oftentimes causes a reduction in sex drive and possibly erectile dysfunction. Sugar can also create a problem known as leptin resistance. Leptin is a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland that tells your brain when to stop eating. Eating excess amounts of sugar, flour and processed foods disrupts the secretion of this hormone and leads to overeating when a person's brain still feels hungry even though their stomach is full. Once again, this leads to individuals with higher body mass indices and lower levels of testosterone.

Another problem that is created when a person eats too much sugar is that their body does not produce enough growth hormone. Growth hormone is produced while we sleep and it works to improve our muscle mass, which in turn helps the body utilize its fat reserves and maintain an optimal libido level. Eating too much sugar also makes the body tired, which leads to fatigue and drowsiness, and it also releases the stress hormone cortisol which leads to feeling anxious and depressed. All of these conditions take their toll on the human sex drive.

The obvious solution to these conditions is to reduce sugar intake, but there are also several other ways to help naturally boost a sagging libido. Eating leafy green vegetables, getting enough sleep, increasing exercise, adding healthy fish oils to the diet and reducing alcohol intake can all help to create a healthier body, which will in turn help to boost testosterone levels. For more information, please view the attached infographic provided by Carvak Sex Toys or visit their site to view the full sized version for easier viewing. Be sure to visit their blog for more ways to enjoy a more fulfilling sex life.

High school girls using an IUD or implant unwisely avoid condoms

Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC), specifically intrauterine devices (IUDs) and implants, are an effective means of contraception and have been reported to be suitable for women of all ages, including teens who have not yet borne a child. However, these devices offer no protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). A new study examined the use of condoms among high school girls who were using a contraceptive. The findings were disturbing. The study was published online on March 14 in the journal JAMA Pediatrics by researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.

The study authors note that LARCs offer an unprecedented opportunity to reduce unintended pregnancies among teens because they are highly effective; however, teen LARC users may be less likely to use condoms for preventing STDs compared with users of moderately effective contraceptive methods such as birth control pills, Depo-Provera injection, patch, and ring contraceptives. Therefore, they conducted a study with the objective of comparing condom use between sexually active LARC users and users of moderately effective contraceptive methods.

For the study, the researchers accessed data from the 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, which comprises a nationally representative sample of US high school students in grades 9 through 12. Analyses were conducted among sexually active female students (2,288 girls); statistical analyses were restricted to sexually active users of LARC and moderately effective contraception (619 girls). The analyses were conducted in July and August 2015.

Contraceptive method at last sexual intercourse was determined by one of the following methods: birth control pills; condoms; an IUD or implant; injection, patch, or ring; withdrawal or other method; or not sure. A separate item asked whether their partner used a condom at last sexual intercourse.

The investigators found that, among the 2,288 sexually active girls (56.7% Caucasian; 33.6% in 12th grade), 1.8% used LARC; 5.7% used Depo-Provera, patch, or ring; 22.4% used oral contraceptives; 40.8% used condoms; 11.8% used withdrawal or other method; 15.7% used no contraceptive method; and 1.9% were not sure. LARC users were approximately 60% less likely to use condoms compared with oral contraceptive users. No significant differences in condom use were observed between LARC users and Depo-Provera injection, patch, or ring users. The LARC users were more than twice as likely to have two or more recent sexual partners compared to oral contraceptive users and Depo-Provera, patch, or ring users.

The authors concluded that their observed differences in condom use may reflect motivations to use condoms for backup pregnancy prevention. They suggested that users of highly effective LARC methods may no longer perceive a need for condoms even if they have multiple sexual partners, which places them at risk for sexually transmitted infections. As uptake of LARC increases among adolescents, a definite need exists to incorporate messages about condom use specifically for STD prevention.

Take home message: IUD users who shun condom use are at particularly high risk for contracting an STD because the devices are a foreign body placed in the uterine cavity. The presence of a foreign body increases the risk of an infectious organism gaining a foothold. Suffering an STD increases the risk of damage to pelvic organs. This damage can result in medical problems such as infertility and ectopic (tubal) pregnancies.

Dealing With Negative Emotions and Depression From Lyme and Other Illnesses

When journeying through the maze of Lyme disease, it is as if you are journeying through innumerable diseases all at once -MS, A.L.S., depression, anxiety, A.D.H.D., schizophrenia, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s disease, Malaria, bipolar disorder and the list goes on and on. I can imagine that having only one of those illnesses would give life to excessive negative thoughts, to uncomfortable feelings during the moments when the rest of the world falls asleep and you lie in darkness waiting, begging with all your might to follow. After three years, I finally understand how to deal with this -not how to get rid of it or prevent it from happening, but how to experience the pain without adding more mind made suffering to the fire while simultaneously managing to walk away from these moments of soul trembling darkness having gained far more than I lost. For me, this is what I have found to be true. This is what I now know to be my truth. This is my true relationship with pain, the one I was always meant to have with it:

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Whenever you feel a negative emotion, embrace its presence and enter it both fully and willingly. Anything you try to avoid or resist will only come back stronger, so it makes little sense to do otherwise. Instead of thinking about how bad the emotion is making you feel, and multiplying the amount of painful thoughts rapidly spreading through your mind like the black plague , redirect your dialogue with the experience by turning and asking the emotion what it has to teach you. Talk with it, not about it. Explore it, do not become it. Every emotion houses hidden secrets and deep truths, and is nothing more than the vehicle offering you the opportunity to unveil the doors of perception leading to those easily missed yet life changing messages they contain.

This is true in regards to even the most painful of emotions -especially the most painful ones. When a negative feeling arises, use it. Keep it. Feel it. Become it. Inhale it. Feel it in your heart, lungs, and veins. Pay close attention as it turns your vessels to ice sickles, rest in the coldness without placing judgment towards it until it passes, and then release it as with an exhale of desert breeze. Melt it and release it back into the duality of the universe where it belongs, keeping only the message and strength it gave you. If the pain still has more to teach you, trust it will come back to you. Do not hold on to it, nor resist it. Let it visit when it must and welcome its arrival, perceiving it as an opportunity for inner growth.

When negative thoughts threaten to obliterate you to ground zero, engage with them. Talk to them, rather than about them which only feeds your pain body and multiplies your suffering.


Monday, July 15, 2019

Government panel just says no to prostate cancer test

The prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test is widely used to check for prostate cancer. However the test has some limitations; for example, UCLA Health System notes that the test “may be high” in men with prostate cancer, although it also can be in men with a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate. 

On October 7, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force announced that it is poised to recommend that healthy men should not be screened with a PSA test. A person familiar with the draft document told the Wall Street Journal that the panel will recommend a "D" rating for the test. A "D" rating indicates that "there is moderate or high certainty that the service has no net benefit or that the harms outweigh the benefits." It also is a recommendation to "discourage use" of test or treatment. The task force is expected to make its proposal on October 11 and then allow for a four-week comment period before issuing a final recommendation.

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Virginia A. Moyer, who chairs the task force, declined to comment on the updated advisory. She noted that the current guidance is that the evidence is insufficient to recommend for or against screening in men younger than 75. That recommendation was last updated in August 2008. Dr. Moyer noted, “New evidence has become available, and we had to reconsider our statement.” The new report marks the latest in a long-running controversy over the value of PSA screening. 

Proponents of the test point out that when it is conducted regularly on men age 50 and over, it increases the chance of discovering the cancer at an early stage; thus, improving the chances of successful treatment. Opponents counter that the test has a significant rate of false positives (an elevated value, which does not indicate a cancer) or that it identifies so-called indolent tumors, which have minimal impact on one’s health. The false positives result in unnecessary biopsies and cancer treatments. Furthermore, in some cases, these unnecessary treatments can lead to infection, impotence, and/or incontinence.


Saturday, July 13, 2019

Can Lots Of Sex Improve Your Health?

Men and women know that sex feels good, but many of them do not realize that sexual intercourse can also improve their overall health. It can relieve stress, improve moods, and sex can even help a woman to maintain better bladder control. While these health benefits are not an excuse to have sexual intercourse with everyone that a man sees, it does give him another reason to engage sexual activities.

While regular sexual acts can improve your overall sexual health, it is not a reason to over indulge. Just as intercourse can improve a man's health to much can be detrimental to his health. Remember to practice everything in moderation, and to always use protection when having sexual intercourse.

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Here are some of the ways sex can improve your health.

1. Improves your immune system.
Studies have shown that sexually active men have healthier immune systems. During sexual intercourse a certain chemical is released by the body which acts as an antibody against bacterial and viral infections. While sexual intercourse can give the immune system a boost, men still need to continue to live a healthy lifestyle to continue to have a strong defense against certain illnesses and diseases.
2. Intercourse helps to boost sex drive.
It seems that there is something true in the old saying "use it or lose it". Having sexual intercourse helps to improve blood flow to the reproductive organs while also helps to promote the increase in the production of testosterone. This male sex hormone helps to regulate the libido in both men and women, and higher levels help to increase sexual arousal and desire. In men, ejaculations can also help to clear out any toxins that might cause harm to the penis or other reproductive organs necessary for sexual intercourse.

3. Lowers blood pressure.
Sex increases blood flow to the penis and vaginal areas to prepare them for penetration. The increased blood flow and circulation can help to lower blood pressure, clear out small blockages in the veins, and lower a man's risk of developing heart or kidney disease. This benefit seems to work equally well whether the orgasm was caused by manual or vaginal stimulation. For men, their risk of developing heart disease decreased by almost 50 percent just by having sexual intercourse twice a week.

4. Counts as exercise.
Sex not only helps to burn calories, an average of five calories every minute it also promotes heart health and exercises various muscles groups. While sexual intercourse won't replace an aerobic workout, it can be a fun way to get some of your recommended weekly exercise.

5. Relieves some aches and pain.
Headaches, menstrual cramps, and even lower back aches can all be helped by having sexual intercourse. One of the best parts about this health benefit, is that it begins helping to relieve the pain even before an orgasm is experienced. Stimulating the penis or vaginal can cause the body to release a hormone that acts as a pain blocker. It is a natural way to relieve aches and pains due to sore or tired muscles.

6. Can lower the risk of developing prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer is a concern for almost all men, and research is supporting the claim that ejaculation can help to lower a man's chance of developing it. One of the ways scientists think that this can work, is that when a man ejaculates certain harmful toxins are removed from the prostate. These toxins are thought to be one of the causes for cancer cells to develop on the organ.

7. Improve sleep patterns.
It is common knowledge that lack of sleep is not good for you, but sometimes it can be hard to settle down at night. Along with removing all distractions from the room, sexual intercourse can help to promote healthy sleep patterns. During an orgasm the brain releases certain chemicals that can cause euphoria and relaxation which can also help to promote the ability to sleep comfortably at night.


It seems that sex can improve someone's physical and even psychological health, by releasing certain chemicals and hormones in the body. While this can help to improve a person's overall health, no one should have sex for the sole purpose of obtaining the health benefits. The body needs to have the reaction you get during intercourse, in order for you to get all of the great heart and health benefits frequent orgasms can give.


4 Basics Tips On How To Last Longer In Bed During Christmas!!

At some point in their lives almost all men wish that they were able to last longer during intercourse. Premature ejaculation can affect men at any age, and is one of the most common sexual complaints among guys. It can be caused by a number of different factors, including some health conditions, and it can cause a man to lose confidence in his ability to perform sexually. There are several different methods men can use to treat ED, and there are also some basic tips that you can use to last longer in bed.

Tips to Help You Last Longer in Bed
Erectile dysfunction (ED) occurs when a man orgasms before he or his partner is ready. It can be an embarrassing condition that can also cause problems in a relationship. There are some tricks that men can use to help them last longer and perform better in the bedroom.

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1. The start and stop method.
Just as the name implies, this method requires you to have enough control during intercourse to stop creating friction before you orgasm. It can be difficult for some men to master at first, but it does get easier to master with practice. If you are worried that it might be difficult for your partner to reach an orgasm with the loss of rhythm, you can continue to stimulate her with your fingers if the sexual position allows it. Developing your self control in the bedroom can also improve other areas of your life.

2. Altering your concentration.
If you do not want to break the sexual rhythm you have established with your partner, trying to concentrate on non sexual things can help to delay your orgasm. While this might be effective at prolonging your climax, it can also make your partner feel inadequate. If you are planning on concentrating on something other than your partner during intercourse, talking with her first about your erectile dysfunction can help prevent any problems from developing.

3. Male enhancement pills and supplements.
There are male enhancement pills and supplements available to treat your erectile dysfunction, and should only be taken under the supervision of a health care professional. Some of the best male enhancement pills contain all natural ingredients to help improve sexual performance, which can include L-arginine and omega 3 fatty acids. These all natural supplements are safe for most men to take, and can also help to improve your general health. The ingredients in the supplements can help to regulate hormonal levels, improve circulation, and even lower blood pressure. All of which could be contributing to your inability to control your orgasm.

4. Desensitizing gels and creams
Gels and creams that work to numb the tiny nerve endings in your penis can help you last longer in bed. These products work best for men that do not have difficulty becoming or staying aroused. There are some side effects associated with desensitizing creams, which can include reduce sensitivity in your penis for an extended period of time. Condoms can also help to desensitize your penis and prevent sexually transmitted diseases. There are several different types of condoms to choose from, and the best one for you will depend on your personal preferences.


Almost all men experience the embarrassing problem of not being able to control their orgasms at one point in their lives. It is most common in younger men who are having intercourse for the first time, but it does occur in guys of all ages. If the premature ejaculation is caused by excitement or nervousness, this problem usually resolves itself once you have become more comfortable being sexually active. For other men premature ejaculation can be caused by health conditions, emotional issues, or problems in the relationship. Along with communicating any sexual problems with your partner, there are some tips that you can try to help you last longer. Concentrating on other issues during sex, along with briefly stopping can all help to prolong your orgasm. There are also over the counter desensitizing creams and gels to try, but many men are uncomfortable with the idea of deadening the nerves on their penis. Male enhancement pills are also an option, and can also help to treat other health problems.

The best way to try and prolong your orgasm is to wear a latex condom. Not only should you always practice sex sex, the latex barrier can make it more difficult for you to climax. Condoms are also available in several different sizes and styles, which can also help to prolong your pleasure. By following these simple tips, you and your partner can enjoy a passionate and satisfying sex life.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Meet the uncircumcised penis: Tips for revealing the manhood to a new partner

“I am uncircumcised; does this freak women out? I'm afraid of what my new girlfriend might think!”

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Well, it really depends on the individual. Some women are taken aback upon a first encounter with an intact penis – possibly because it may be the only one they’ve ever seen. If she seems a little hesitant, don’t be afraid to break the ice with a little joke, maybe something along the lines of, “yep, he’s still wearing his hat.” And also, you should give her some pointers; she she might be afraid she’s going to hurt you. So if you take some time to tell her (or show her!) what feels good and what doesn’t, she’s going to feel a whole lot more confident handling your manhood in the future. In any case, if you don’t make a big deal out of it, it’s unlikely that she will. She already likes you enough to go there, so chances are, she will be happy with whatever you have to offer. So just act cool, and everything will be fine. Good luck!

High fat low carb Paleo diets help with exercise and weight loss succes

Do you associate athletic success with carb-loading? The latest studies contradict that assumption, indicating that high fat low carb diets are powerful for athletes as well as dieters, reported the Richmond Register on Saturday.

One study evaluated different percentages of fat in the diet. Low-fat dieters ate 16 percent of their calories in fat grams, while the moderate group consumed 30 percent and the high-fat diet group ate 42 percent.

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Athletes who ate more fat experienced no negative affects. Instead, the low-fat group appeared to suffer adverse effects.

Paleo low carb diet guru and athlete Mark Sisson also tested the impact of shifting to a higher fat diet by using his own body to play guinea pig. Mark explained that as a runner, he initially ate a traditional high carb diet. But when his health failed, he discovered he benefited more by going against the grain and following a high fat low carb Primal plan, he told Palm Springs Life in an interview published Friday.

"The Paleo diet seeks to eliminate processed foods — grains, sugar, and oils like corn, soy, and canola — and gets back to real food, including meat, fish, fowl, eggs, seeds, nuts, and some fruits," explained Mark, author of "The Primal Blueprint: Reprogram your genes for effortless weight loss, vibrant health, and boundless energy."

Recalling how he felt before he abandoned his high carb diet, Mark said, "I fell into the paradigm of eating complex carbs for fuel. I got fit, and fast, but my health declined. I was one of the top runners in the country but had many health ailments."

How long does it take to reap the benefits of a Paleo diet, including weight loss and improved sleep? Less than a month, says Mark.

"Over time, you become good at burning off your own body fat for energy rather than depending on carbohydrates throughout the day," he explained. "It takes about 21 days for your body to switch to this mode of fat-burning, and that’s when you’ll really start to see results."

And he's not the only expert to recommend the Paleo way for athletes. By planning your diet as carefully as the Los Angeles Lakers' team line-up, you can score both in terms of weight loss and health, said Director of the Lakers PRO Nutrition Program, Dr. Cate Shanahan, in a podcast with host Ben Greenfield.

Author of "Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food," Dr. Cate emphasizes that cutting carbohydrates is critical to health and weight loss. Rather than stress about counting calories, she puts the emphasis on eating high quality protein (think grass-fed beef) and boosting fats.
But just as not all calories are created equal, Dr. Cate says that not all fats should be consumed. In particular, she recommends avoiding trans fats while enjoying whole dairy such as eggs and butter. In addition, she recommends eating more vegetables than fruits.

When it comes to animal protein, Dr. Cate advises preparing poultry, fish and meat with natural ingredients. For example, use olive oil rather than reduced fat substitutes such as low-cholesterol spreads.

Both Dr. Cate and Mark Sisson emphasize avoiding processed foods. Mark has authored a cookbook illustrating how to use Primal ingredients for all types of low carb diets: "Primal Blueprint Quick and Easy Meals: Delicious, Primal-approved meals you can make in under 30 minutes."

The Lakers team agrees when it comes to the merits of this type of eating. Dr. Cate has educated them on the merits of their new diet, and they carefully "avoid sugar, processed foods and unhealthy oils – vegetable, canola, corn and other chemically engineered cocktails," according to CBS Sports.

"She's not pushing supplements on us," Lakers point guard Steve Nash said. "It's all natural foods. There's nothing processed."