Wednesday, July 31, 2019

10 ways to honor your personal power

Personal empowerment is a conscious and deliberate process. Most people function day-to-day on default mode beliefs, thoughts, and reactions. Claiming your power and commanding your worth requires mindful, purposeful decisions.

Although thinking and acting from the routines or systems of the past is often easy and effortless, it may not be in your highest and best interest. Are your auto-pilot responses aligned with self-love, confidence, healthy boundaries, and owning your personal sense of power?

If not, you may want to consider the following ways to honor yourself as an unlimited, individuated source of creativity, strength, and influence.

        I.            Understand that your subconscious and conscious beliefs, thoughts, and emotions create your reality. If you are functioning from the perspective that the world is not fun and is causing you to feel stress or negativity, then you become dis-empowered.

      II.            The present moment, not the past or future, holds the key to powerful manifestation. You cannot solve problems from the same level of awareness or consciousness that generated them. The option is yours to bring about a new solution based on an expanded point of view.

    III.            In any relationship, your first job is to love yourself so immensely and deeply that you will accept nothing less than what you truly desire and deserve. Stand up for your beautiful self, release anybody or any circumstances that aren't supportive, and move gracefully into the energy of authenticity.

   IV.            Complicated scenarios and drama are of low vibrations and can deplete your life force. Avoid being a savior at the expense of your own serenity. Sometimes it's best to walk away or detach from someone who isn't making any effort to help himself. Each person has a path to travel and your job is to live yours with fulfillment.

     V.            Be responsible for every aspect of you - your health, career, finances, self-growth, relationships, and happiness. Examine your immediate reality. If you don't like what you see, then change it. Excuses or stories you've told yourself about why things aren't the way you want them are simply not personally empowering.

   VI.            Fears and worries tell the universe that you don't trust in yourself to succeed or see the opportunities in any challenging situation. Address these concerns from a place of empowerment and faith. When you choose wise and healthy options, consequences are more likely to be joyful and satisfying as opposed to choices that cause prolonged anxiety.

 VII.            Visualize yourself as an incredible super-sized light-being with arms reaching to the stars and feet planted with roots to the center of the Earth. Imagine a field of energy spreading outward from your center and encompassing the whole world. Stand tall and walk as if your power comes from infinite capabilities, skills, and resources.

VIII.            Gather a support system of others who are positive and like-minded. Join a sports league or social media group who has similar interests. Make the connection and engage in conversations or activities where you can be of service and benefit. Call upon legions of spiritual guides and angels to be your cheerleaders, your fans, and your tribe.

    IX.            Take action on your words and thoughts. Thinking about changing jobs or feeling like you should register for a webinar is not the same as actually following through with forward motion. If you haven't completed any steps to actualize your goal, and at the same time you are blaming society, your parents, or spouse for any misery, then you've just freely given away your power.

      X.            Engage in holistic self-care. Holistic translates to mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects. If you're saying you don't care about how you look or what you wear, then by the law of attraction you're going to get people who mirror that sentiment. Do the basics and show respect for your body, mind, heart, soul, home, vehicle, and office space. When you start caring for yourself and your personal environment, the energy shifts and self-esteem improves.

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